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North Sea Lubricants ATF Power CVT

$22.99$102.40 inc GST

Automatic Transmission Fluid

ATF POWER CVT is an ultra-high performance CVT fluid formulated with selected synthetic technology base stocks and specially developed for use in the latest generation of Continuously Variable Transmission (CVT) – gearboxes which transfer traction via steel-made traction chain or push-belts.

ATF POWER CVT is formulated on highly refined synthetic technology base stocks in combination with an unique additive package to reach the following properties.

  • Good thermo-and oxidation. 
  • Extended drain interval possible.
  • Excellent antiwear, antirust and anticorrosion technology.
  • High Viscosity index ensures adequate lubrication in both high operating & low starting temperatures.
  • Better foam control leads to smooth & lasting shift feel and reduces fluid loss.
  • Enhanced Low temperature fluidity assist in good cold start performance.
  • Compatibility with all common seal materials

ATF POWER CVT exceeds the following performance criteria:
Toyota CVTF TC                                Toyota CVTF FE                          Nissan NS-1                       
Nissan NS-2                                       Nissan NS-3                                Honda HMMF                               
Honda HCF2                                      Honda Z-1 (CVT only)                 Mitsubishi SP-III            
Mitsubishi CVTF-J1C                        VTS-EX1                                      CVTS-J1/J4/J4+    
Hyundai/Kia SP-III                             Hyundai/Kia CVT-J1                    Mazda JWS 3320                
EZL 799/799A                                     Mini ZF CVT V1                           MB 236.20                                    
Subaru ECVT                                     Subaru iCVT                               Suzuki CVTF FE            
Suzuki CVTF Green1/2                      Suzuki CVTF TC / 3320              Chrysler/ Jeep CVT+4    
Chrysler/Jeep NS-2                           Daihatsu AMMIX CVTF DFE       Daihatsu Fluid TC             
Daihatsu Ammix CVT DC/DFC         GM DEX-CVT                              Ford WSS-M2C928                   
VW G 052 180                                    VW G 052 516

Ships now - Available for in store pickup


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