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Inverter/Arc Welder MST188X Bossweld

$1,039.77 inc GST

SKU - 29583

Bossweld X-Series MST-188X Inverter Mig/Stick/Tig Welding Machine, 180 Amp, 10 Amp plug

The Bossweld MST-188X is a light weight, portable and robust multi process inverter-based welder offering exceptional performance with gas or gasless MIG, Stick (MMA) and DC Lift TIG making this the ideal welder for your next project.
Stick (MMA) up to 3.2mm rods
DC Lift TIG (optional TIG torch) with ramp down and post gas.
Excellent arc stability
Dual Digital Display
Stepless Voltage and Wire speed adjustment for Ultimate control
2T / 4T Trigger control
Takes both 1KG (D100) & 5KG (D200) MIG wire spools
Spool gun ready

Standard inclusions
MST 188X Inverter Welder
3m Ergon BZ15 MIG torch
3m Twist lock electrode holder and cable
3m 200A earth clamp and cable
2m gas hose
Bossweld twin gauge argon regulator
0.8 / 0.9mm V groove rollers (gas wire)
0.8 / 0.9mm Knurled rollers (gasless wire)
Operation manual

Input power: Single phase230V
Output current range: MIG 40-180A MMA/TIG 10-180A
Open Circuit voltage MIG: 58.5V
I Max: MIG 37.5A , MMA 44A, TIG 29.5A
I eff: MIG/MMA 10A TIG 9.5A
Duty cycle @ 40? C: MMA 10% @ 180A
Insulation Class: IP21 H
Wire Diameter: 0.6 to 1.0mm
Electrode Diameter: 1.6MM to 3.2mm
Thermal overload: YES
Minimum generator: 9 KVA
Dimension (mm): 550 x 395 x 214
Weight (Kg): 12.5

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