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0.9mm 5kg Mig Wire E71T-1C/1M Flux Core

$204.21 inc GST

SKU - 18923

  • AWS A5.20 E71T-1C/1M is an all-positional, flux cored welding wire, which is intended for single and multiple pass welding of low-alloy and carbon steel where a minimum 490 Mpa tensile strength and good notch toughness is required. It is an excellent general purpose welding wire. This wire has very low fume, stable arc, good slag removal and excellent mechanical properties. Can be welded with Argon/Co2 or 100% Co2.

    Typical Applications:
    Structural steel
    Farm machinery
    Construction equipment
    General carbon steel fabrication
    Butt and fillet welding of hulls and storage tanks

    Typical Wire Chemistry (as welded with 100% CO2 shielding gas):

    15kgs. vacuum packed plastic spool

Ships in 2-3 day, in store pick up not available


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