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Valvoline Hydraulic Oil 68 20L

$182.33 inc GST

SKU - 41632

Ultramax Hydraulic Oil is a mineral based hydraulic oil containing rust and corrosion inhibitors and also an anti-wear additive to ensure protection of equipment and pumps operating under severe service and high pressure conditions. Recommended for use in industrial and mobile applications, operating under mild or severe conditions. It is an excellent product for general industrial equipment, including machine tools, rotary air compressors, torque converters and enclosed gear boxes where extreme pressure additives are not required.

Fully inhibited against rust, oxidation and foam.
Fortified with anti-wear zinc additives.
Has a high aniline point to minimise attackon rubbers.
ISO 68
VICKERS M-2905-S, 1-286-S
DIN 51524 PART 2
US STEEL 127, 136
DENISON HF-2, 1, 0

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